Monday, April 30, 2012

Robert de St. Phalle

Robert de St. Phalle on Thursday!

Here is an interesting project...


  1. I'm pretty interested in landscape and modern architectural art. I am quite amused by how he uses and incorporates nature, animals within his architecture models. Though his style seems to be a bit more primitive than what I am usually drawn to, it should be interesting to see the rest of his works.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Phalle seems interested in taking something universal and twisting it into something else, something unrecognizable . He is quoted in the DODGE gallery article saying, "What concerns me as an artist is the space between what a thing seems to be and what it is." He is playing with the interpretation of objects. I like this idea and his art is visually pleasing to me. We will see what he has to say about his work.

  4. I'm excited to hear him speak I found his work very interesting. My favorite was the photo booth piece called "here's looking at you" I like the voyeuristic quality of this work.

  5. So I actually really enjoyed his talk the most out of all others this semester! He was the most detailed educator and was thorough with all his works and areas of study. Offered a lot of great ideas, resources, and information for us. I tend to like organized lectures rather than "winged ones" just briefly showing us their works and so on.
